Bryning Finale

Registrations: KC Colour: Seal & White Date of Birth: 24th May 2011 Colour genes carried: Eye Tested: clear Goniodysgensis Tested: normal Glaucoma susceptibility status: tested normal CEA/CH DNA status: genetically normal TNS DNA status : genetically clear Hip Score: 9:8 Nala is from Mercy's final litter and I was determined to keep something nice. Mercy has been one of my most consistent producers and I hope her daughters will follow in her pawprints. Although I had really wanted a black and white bitch puppy from the litter I ran three girls on and I just couldn't let Nala go. She is the lightest seal I've yet seen so I'm interested to see how her colour changes as she grows; it may disadvantage her in the showring but I'm really not bothered, she reminds me so much of her mother at the same age and if she turns out like Mercy I will be more than pleased.
Show Results
12th February 2012 - Ambiorixtrofee International Show, Genk, Belgium
Judge - Mrs M Kips (Lux)
Puppy - 1st Very Promising - Best Puppy in Breed
